Epidemiology of Myocardial Infarction

The RICO registry (ObseRvatoire d’Infarctus de Cote d’Or) collects data concerning patients hospitalized for myocardial infarction in the Cote of Or (a ‘Département’ in Eastern France). Since its creation on 1st January 2001, it has prospectively collected all of the medical data concerning the management of patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction. The public and private Intensive Care Units (ICU) of the Cote of Or that handle cardiology emergencies play an integral role in this project.
Located at the “Cardiovascular Research Institute” (IRCV), on the site of the University Hospital of Dijon, the RICO registry collects and processes all of the clinical and biological data from coronary diseased patients. Patients are systematically followed up one year after the MI to determine their prognosis after the acute event. A follow-up is performed 1 year after the myocardial infarction to determine the evolution of risk factors, treatments and prognosis of patients after their acute accident. With around 900 patients included every year, data for more than 16,000 patients are now recorded in the database.
Today, the RICO registry is a valuable tool to evaluate not only patients’ demographic characteristics, risk factors and treatments, but also their prognosis in this disease. The registry also makes it possible to evaluate the impact of new treatments, which are numerous in this field, and to observe trends in the different data over time. Thanks to the different partnerships established since the creation of RICO, a large number of transversal research projects have been undertaken in the field of new markers of cardiovascular risk. This research has allowed the evaluation of innovative diagnosis tools concerning the prevention of atherothrombosis. Through its prospective and continuous collection of data, the quality of which has been validated by high-level international publications, RICO reflects routine clinical practice in real life.
In partnership with the Burgundy-Franche Comté Regional Health Agency, the Observatory is a major regional player in measuring the impact of strategies to prevent coronary disease. Lastly, it is committed to patient organizations such as the Cardiology Association of Burgundy, and participates in the regional dynamism of the interactions between researchers and patients.